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  • Re: A340 fleet achieves record operational reliability

    Actually, Cathay Pacific started service with the A340-211 in 1994. Their first A330 was delivered in February, 1995, and their first 777 was delivered in May, 1996. Why do you say that Air France would certainly go for the A340-500/-600 instead of the B77-200LR/-300ER if the Airbus offered a GE option? They seem to be quite happy operating ...
    Posted to General Aviation (Forum) by gc714 on March 11, 2003
  • Re: A340 fleet achieves record operational reliability

    Well, it could be that CX had already been operating the A340 for some time before the first B777 was built. And since they already have A340's and B747-400's, they don't need to add yet another long-haul type to their fleet. Obviously, many factors go into an airline's fleet decisions. Why did Air France choose the B777-200LR over the A340-500?
    Posted to General Aviation (Forum) by gc714 on February 26, 2003
  • Re: A340 fleet achieves record operational reliability

    Cathay Pacific does not have any ER or IGW versions of the B777-200. Their B777's are all what Boeing used to call ''A-market'' aircraft. Although emergency landings in the arctic are important to consider, this has nothing to do with why CX does not use the B777 on the Toronto and New York routes.
    Posted to General Aviation (Forum) by gc714 on February 20, 2003