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  • Naval Academy

    What is everyone feels about the naval academy?. I would like to become a naval aviator. I am trying to think of the best way to go about becomeing one. Is there an age that is to old, to be able to get a change too?. You see I am going on 23 this next year, last part of may. I was looking over the naval academy website, but they say something ...
    Posted to Personal Stuff (Forum) by kick on November 8, 2002
  • Re: Military Flight Jackets

    Thank you for your help run. Could you give me a hand trying to find out about the sizes?. You see I am trying to see if I could get my self one of both those flight jackets. The CWU-45/P for the winter and CWU-36/P for summer. But dont know what type of size I would need. I am 5'4 125 lbs. Any help here with a size and if its even possible to be ...
    Posted to Personal Stuff (Forum) by kick on November 7, 2002
  • Military Flight Jackets

    What I would like to know is, what kind do they use?.. Like I have seen some places that say things about the MA-1 being a like a UASF flight jacket. But when I asked about it on a diff fourm, they said something diff. Here is what one person said about it.. &lt;i&gt;The MA-1 jacket is not a current-issue item, at least not in the USAF flying ...
    Posted to Personal Stuff (Forum) by kick on November 7, 2002