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Spotting Software or Website?

  •  03-29-2010, 8:18 AM

    Spotting Software or Website?

    Hello to everyone, especially other spotters,

    I've been reading the forums for ages and have just decided to join out of interest of how many other spotters are on this forum, also I have a question.

    I was looking at spotting software and came across Freebird for Windows. Other than that, nothing really seems to exist. Then I thought, wouldn't it be great if there was a spotting social network site where you can store serials etc, and upload photos.

    I've had a few searches around and can't find anything that fits into this concept so I wandered, do people know of a spotting social network that exists, or think I should try and create one!? I know how to setup a site using something like Joomla.
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