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Tips? Advice? Thanks!

  •  06-23-2009, 4:12 PM

    Tips? Advice? Thanks!

    Hiya folks. I'm starting my freshman year in HS and I'm definitely gonna try out for some ROTC there. But besides going to OCS, and getting some good grades, what other things are good to have to achieve being a fighter pilot? By the way, I'm not talking about joining the USAF. I'm planning on being a USMC aviator. I understand the USMC requirements might be a little different from the USAF requirements but for the most part, I bet they're the same. Even so? Anyone got any tips? If so, I'll be replying quickly! Thanks a bunch! PS I don't know if this is a USAF forum ONLY, so if so, please tell me. Because I've been on a forum for naval aviation ONLY, well, naval and USMC. PSS I've seen a video of a recruiter talking about how to be an aviator and I heard him say something about some "written air test". Can anyone fill me in as to what that is? Thanks a lot! Once more, I'll rapidly reply because I check maybe every hour or so! (Sorry this post is so long and I've probably spent some of your time).
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