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Aviation Maintenance: hours v's calendar

  •  06-08-2009, 4:29 PM

    Aviation Maintenance: hours v's calendar

    Hi All,

    I am currently writing a dissertation for my Masters in Maintenance Engineering.

    The topic of the dissertation is Fixed Time Maintenance. I am looking at how maintenance is scheduled on a calendar basis versus a usage basis.

    From my research I see that the aircraft industry performs a large proportion of their maintenance on calendar and usage

    I am trying to learn the operating conditions or basis for performing the maintenance task on calendar or usage.

    I know that some maintenance is performed on hourly limit checks or operating cycle limit check. Maintenance used to be performed by Letters, prior to Boeing going to MSG-3 rev2.

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance that can be provided or if someone can point me towards some reference material that might enlighten me.

    Thanks a lot.
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