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How Can i be a fighter pilot

  •  11-17-2008, 5:07 PM

    How Can i be a fighter pilot

    I am very interested in becoming a pilot for the USA. I am currently 16 and receiving my education in Europe Turkey which is extremely hard. I have a height of 5.8 and weight 63 KG=125 Pounds. Very athletic could do 50 push up and sit up in a minute and run fast enofe to leave my class in the dust. I also love Math and science. I am in 10 th grade and in a very hard school. Will i run in to any problems because i have a citizenship for Turkey and willing to cancel it if so(Note i was born in New York). Im also worried for my vision being -8 i am thinking about LASIK in order to fix this problem and willing to overlook the risks in order to be a fighter pilot. so do you guys think i qualify and if i do what will i need to do in order to be a fighter pilot and is it possible that you list all the training/schools and exams i need to take and how much years will all those schools take me? Im thinking of joining a civilian college and want to get a job as a civilian(probably a doctor or comercial pilot) on top of that being affiliated with the miltary. On top of all this can i do anything extra that will boost my chance of being a pilot? I love to achieve the hard and will do it at any price to be a Pilot for the USA.
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