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Re: Marine Corps flight contract

  •  01-12-2008, 11:38 AM

    Re: Marine Corps flight contract

    thanks for the replies!

    Wow it does sound like it's hard. But I'm willing to go through whatever if that's the case. I've always said that I'd rather be an officer in the Marines than any other branch anyway

    but then i need to know, as far a competition what aspects to they look at? i know they look at stuff like fitness and gpa. how much do the aviation tests impact? how would i get recommendations? what extracirricular activities could help me out in college?

    and is it really that hard just to become an officer? i'm not wanting to do this because i thought it was easy!

    EDIT: Wait...did you say 1-2 out of 10!?!? i was worried that it was much less!!! but 1 in 1000 to be an officer...sounds like i better get cracking :P
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