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EAA AirVenture 2006 Oshkosh USA : WARBIRDS + F-22A pictures

  •  08-26-2006, 4:16 AM

    EAA AirVenture 2006 Oshkosh USA : WARBIRDS + F-22A pictures

    Hi fellows!


    This year I finally got to the worlds biggest aviation event, the EAA Airventure Fly-in :twisted: . On this 7 day event more than 10000 aircraft meet eachother :!: . During the afternoon the crowd is pleased with some very interesting displays from the oldest to the newest planes in the world.

    This years theme was the reunion of the Big Bombers 8) . This means a total of 3 B-17's, 1 B-24, 1 Lancaster, 5 B-25's and finally 1 B-1B bomber present on the event. Unfortunattly the sole B-29 still flying couldn't be there because of engine problems. :cry:

    But nevertheless this years show was BIG!

    I went especially to see the huge collection of warbirds. The rows of mustangs,T-28 and T6's are crazy! I think there were about 30 P-51's, a very unique sight!

    Specials this year were the first visit of the USAF newest fighter, the F-22A Raptor, which came out of nowhere on thursday. Other specials were the Blue Angels, the US navy historic flight, and the first appearance of the new HondaJet.


    The amount of material I came home with was HUGE but here's a little bit of it :arrow:  :


    In the morning whe had some skywriting going on :



    When you enter the field a huge number of the most beautifull warbirds awaits you 8)  :



    Other static:



    Just after 12h the showcase begins. This part is different each day and is always unpredictable because their is no program available for it. The most incredible in it this year was the Raptor display. Shame about the bad weather at that moment but it's display was AWESOME! :twisted:

    The week before I had seen the Mig-29OVT at Fairford but know I've seen the Raptor... The Mig really is no match for the F-22A from my point of view.The amount of power this bird has is enormous. It performed almost every manouvre of the mig, exept the double 360° cobra ( I DID a single 360° Cobra! :!: ) , but combined with its giant acceleration the result is unmatched by the Russians. :twisted:



    The Blue Angels performing ...: :oops:



    A little Reno Demo: :)


    One does not belong here :D  can you find it?


    Other showcase flights:



    The normal display begins quite late, about 15h30 in the afternoon:

    Most of the demo's are aerobatic flights performed by some of the worlds best pilots :



    And finally, The GRAND finale => WARBIRD TIME!!! :twisted:


    First Vietnam :) :



    Afterwards WW II  :D :


    [img]" border="0" />


    At the end of it they flew an amazing lost men formation consisting of 2B-17's , a B-24 and the Canadian Lancaster.



    So so after 2h creating this topic :) . Hope you like my work.For me it was an unbelievable trip to the US. Looking very forward to the next major trip.


    This is absolutly an event you must have seen once in your spotting carreer. From civil to military, from old to hightech everything is represented on this event. Next years special will normally be the visit of the A380 plus many more !!!


    Greetings and see ya in the air!


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