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Re: Factors affecting Vmc

  •  10-31-2003, 5:46 PM

    Re: Factors affecting Vmc

    Thanks for the reply!

    Here's the other part of what some have said about Vmc:

    I have read in a book (I won't say which one) that increasing weight will decrease Vmc, basically because of intertia. A heavier airplane will require a greater force to cause it to be moved. In other words...An object in motion will tend to stay in motion until acted upon by another force, hence, a heavier airplane will not want to roll over at the "certificated" Vmc. Vmc would actually decrease because the higher weight will make the airplane 'more stable'. There was something else about that argument that I was going to mention, but now I've forgotten it. Frankly, I'm not really buying into that statement. It may be valid, but wouldn't the left turning tendencies of the higher AOA more than outweigh this argument?

    Any comments about this one?

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