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Factors affecting Vmc

  •  10-29-2003, 6:50 PM

    Factors affecting Vmc

    Hi, I'm a new multi-engine student trying to gather more info on factors affecting Vmc.
    From what I've learned so far, it seems as though everyone has their own theories on what causes Vmc to increase and/or decrease. I've been taught by some that increasing weight will increase Vmc for the following reason:
    To maintain lift, the aircraft must fly at a higher angle of attack when weight is increased(true), and therefore left turning tendancies will be stronger at the higher angle of attack, hence increased weight will cause Vmc to go up. Is this really true??? Does anyone really even know? I've been taught by others that Vmc will decrease with weight for other less obvious reasons. Which is right and which is wrong? I can't find any detailed information on any of this stuff. Sounds to me like a bunch of people just sit around and try to think of stuff without any actual testing being done to determine their theories. Can anyone help me out with this? And do you know of any good references available?
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