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With All Due Respect . . . .

  •  08-25-2003, 2:22 PM

    With All Due Respect . . . .

    Run, I know that you're a moderator, and in being one, I'm sure a very knowledgeable person when dealing with F-16. That being said, I nearly can't believe what you wrote. Let's start from the beginning.

    Top Speed - I only said that the F-16XL could PROBABLY go Mach 2 to be nice. That's my fault for not coming right out and saying it can. IT CAN GO MACH 2, OR TO BE MORE PRECISE, IT CAN GO MACH 2.05 (roughly 1,320 mph). Where you get it that it's wing profile would inhibit it from such a feat is beyond me. Check out the following links for verification.

    F-16.Net -*-

    Manueverability - The F-16XL has a DELTA WING, meaning it will not have a problem manuevering at higher altitudes. Check the link directly above and you'll realize what I mean. As for being a poor dogfighter, you have got to be kidding me. The whole point of the SCAMP program was to improve the F-16's supersonic performance, WHILE MAINTAINING IT'S LOW - SPEED AGILITY. Once again, it has a delta wing, one of the best wings a dogfighter can have. I don't know where this whole "wing profile" thing stems from, but as the links will verify, the F-16XL's wing is a lot better than any other F-16's wing.

    Payload - Okay, now let's do the freakin' math on this one, k. If the Super Hornet gains just 2 HARDPOINTS, BUT THE F-16XL GAINS 8, HMM, I WONDER WHICH WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY MORE. Yes, having 2 hardpoints doesn't necessary limit those 2 hardpoints to just 2 weapons, but come on, let's be honest, they could only hold at most 6 weapons together. But let's say that they just hold 1 weapon each, the Mk. 84, one of the heaviest weapons in the inventory. Now, if the F-16 has 8 more hardpoints, each easily capable of carrying a 500 - lb Mk. 82, then you do the math and tell me which carries more. And that's assuming that NONE of the new weapons stations can't handle a Mk. 84, which is HIGHLY unlikely.

    F-15E - Yes, it's more survivable, but guess what, it's also probably requires more maintenance. To tell me that 2 engines are easier to maintain than just 1, wow, that's somethin', especially if it's any engine from the later blocks of F-16s.
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