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Re: What is the physical requirments for a Fighter Pilot?

  •  05-22-2003, 6:42 PM

    Re: What is the physical requirments for a Fighter Pilot?

    Height and weight does not matter, as long as you meet standards. As far as physiological issues, short and stocky people do better in high-G environments than tall and skinny people. This is generally due to the shorter distance from their heart to their brain.

    20/20 or better CORRECTED either by contacts or glasses.

    Pass the FACT (Fighter Air Crew Fitness Test).

    And, depending on the aircraft, you need to be able to pass the centrifuge training. For example, the A-10 profile only goes up to 7G while the F-16 profile goes up to 9G.

    Those are the basics.
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