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Jet A and the magical melting tower?????

  •  04-07-2003, 10:48 PM

    Jet A and the magical melting tower?????

    Well Gentlemen Listen I'm just another poor Slob westchester Co, New york Born and raised NOT OF ANY WEALTH whatever just a tradesman who just So happened to have had grand parents who's home in purchase NY was a stones throw from The Old Air-Nat Guard Base at the Now pataki fucked to death Westchester Co airport that you just so happen to need 9 letters from grandma your birth certif alone with a retnal scan just to get into Oh yea it's because of ALL THOSE THOUSANDS of terrorist out here. where? who knows . anyway I pump jet gas on a part time basis so as to get ass time in my favorate single BUT aside from that I also happen to be a REAL old time MOTORHEAD yep thats correct So naturally when I saw that horible aircraft slam into that tower the first one! and the rather small fart of an explosion. So imagine if you will the look on my face when the same plane loaded with the same amount of our goodOle friend Jet A slammed into the other one and WOOOSSHHHBOOM BANG and then that very same old jet A did something completely out of the Norm for ANY TYPE OF KEROSEEN it burned unimpeeded nonstop at nearly a zillion degrees for how many months 3 until nothing but ash was left ? which was exactly what was needed to happen So a few could sleep at night and not have to worry about who was going to come up with what evidence, Now come on Guys all you need to do is use but a tiny bit of that gray Mass hanging out between your ears BUT first you must turn off that media freak show on 24-7 and read some truly inlighting material as I did to learn what I now know and it made me so angry i cried but after 7 months of doing my own little checking up and around I now KNOW factually that the men responsible are the very men that stand to make zillions of dollars off this war and after it hell look Halliburton put in it's bid for the contract to rebuild iraq before one brick fell shit wasn't that exactly how that magical evidence fell into the FBI hands before the last brick fell at the world trade center ???????? it's past time to think and then ACT
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