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  •  03-04-2003, 7:21 PM


    [Im a 15 year old freshman and when I get out of highshcool i hope to go to the United States Naval Academy(or airforce). I know quite a bit about wars and have been really interested in current events on the military side ever since I was a little kid and today it seems like the economy and war is all we are concerned with. I am sort of confused with the resonings of why people protest the war when it shows that in history usually when you wait to attack, the enemy has time to make supprises, and many other things that can get in the way of what we are there to do. I think people need to realize that it is neccisary to go to war with Iraq as soon as possible to ensure that our national security is safe. Please help me start a little bit of a discussion about this because it is a major issue right now and I think that it effects everyone in the United States and especially if any of you are in the military or want to be.]
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