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Re: Requirements to be a Fighter Pilot?

  •  04-18-2016, 4:29 PM

    Re: Requirements to be a Fighter Pilot?

    It's funny... everyone always thinks it's impossible to become a FP, but not at all...

    You've picked a very exciting career choice! But it takes hard work and genuine determination.

    But becoming a fighter a pilot isn't impossible at all... my brother has just completed his final training and is being relocated next month following his graduation.

    He wasn't the most naturally gifted by any means - fairly good at sports, really creative, enjoyed video games, liked to hang out with his friends.

    What I suppose I'm saying is do your research, get a feel of what it will involve. And then if you're still interested in it after that - put your heart and soul into making sure it happens. Don't half ass it. Don't expect it to come to you (because it won't).

    Work hard now and it will pay off when you're flying some of the most amazing machines known to man!

    Following my brother's graduation he's put a pack together with a sponsor on everything you need to do it - a step-by-step guide if you like... If you really want it, take a look. If not then never mind. You'll find what you're meant to do eventually.

    Here's the link:

    All the best of luck with your future - it's worth it I promise...

    Best regards,

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