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Worst Flight Experience?

  •  03-16-2011, 10:57 AM

    Travel [ap] Worst Flight Experience?

    I am currently not a pilot but I have always been fascinated with flying.  That is probably why I was a flight attendant for a little bit! As a flight attendant I remember one flight were out of no where we hit some major turbulence and I was in the back galley.  Luckily I had just secured the food carts and was getting ready to do a walk through...but I was thrown around like rag doll.  Then the fasten seatbelt sign went on.  I was terrified because there was not even a possible warning from the pilots.  So My whole reason for posting this is I am curious of what everyones scariest flight experience was.  Whether you were a pilot, co pilot, passenger whatever!! I am just curious.  People do not get scared by these stories because they are very rare and it is safer to fly in a plane than drive a car. 
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