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More Navy Carrier landing questions

  •  03-03-2011, 2:52 PM

    More Navy Carrier landing questions

    I'm just wondering about communication between control tower / LSO / pilot on a carrier approach landing.  I have no idea of this process and just looking to gain some insight.  I'm playing a flight sim type game and when lining up on glideslope for a carrier landing the CV Marshall says "Mother is case 1, expect CV-1 approach."  I think I have a basic idea of how glideslope / meatball works.  I'm wondering what this lingo means.

    The pilot eventually responds something like "One zero seven, approach final bearing 174, flying two niner zero"  (approximately)  I would like to know the details behind what instruments they are reading and relaying to the people on deck.  What is an example of what a pilot would say when coming in for landing and what it means?   I would love to know in the game what the heck they're talking about, I'm assuming they must be reading off numbers on cockpit instruments or HUD but it all sounds Greek to me.  Have tried dozens of google searches on this and found nothing.

    thanks in advance
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