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Sharing the Wealth

  •  01-17-2011, 8:36 PM

    Sharing the Wealth

    Hey guys,

    I recently got set up with this new aviation company called Airnovus that specializes in aviation business management software and merchant accounts for aviation businesses.

    I felt inclined and responsible to let people know because i feel that saving money for general aviation operations benefits everyone in the GA industry.

    Airnovus was able to save me a lot of money by getting me a much lower percentage on my merchant account. The process is extremely easy and they have a $500 guarantee that they can get you lower rates than what you already have. Additionally they give you the software for free if you sign up with their merchant account.

    Anyone that’s interested in making their flight school, FBO, or charter operation more profitable you should DEFINITELY look these guys up!

    Their website URL is Go take a look. It’s well worth your time.

    Good luck!
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